If you are having a problem with them, it was not caused directly by my mod. MY SCRIPTS DO NOT EFFECT DRAGON BEHAVIOUR OR SOULS. All the scripting I did (totalling about 6 lines) affects the effect that I added to the potion, which in turn was added to the levelled loot list for dragons. I have no idea, I didn't touch that with this mod. Why am I no longer absorbing dragon souls?Ī. I like this mod but I think the dragon blood should add to the player too!Ī. bsa file in your data folder and you're using skyrim v1.8+ I'm drinking the blood, but why is nothing happening?Ī. I've been getting a lot of requests to put this on the nexus, so here's the link: If, like me, you think bethesda were a little stingy with the perks and fancy earning a few more in an organic and immersive way, this mod is for you. Though not as common as dragon bones or scales, the beast's blood gives you a perk point to spend any way you want.

This has the added benefit of letting you spend the perk points through the vanilla game menus, meaning it supports all those lovely custom perks you're all using. Please note, this mod does not affect the dragon soul mechanics in any way. This is meant as an alternative to the excellent dragon souls to perks mod, which I loved and have been using since release, but I always wanted to cut out the middle man of having to go to those stones and fiddle about with custom menus. In simple terms, a vial of dragon's blood will bestow upon you an extra perk point. A dark, viscous liquid with the power to enchance the body and mind of the Dovakiin. This mod adds a new reason to go dragon hunting their blood.